Announcing The World’s Largest Collection of

16,000 Woodworking Plans

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RETAIL: $297

Time-Limited Launch Price: $67

Being a woodworker often means grappling with the challenge of finding precise blueprints to bring your custom projects to life. This dilemma is a familiar one among craftsmen today, yet fret not, as solutions abound.

Enter Teds Woodworking, the brainchild of Ted McGrath, a seasoned woodworker, instructor, and author. Offering an extensive repertoire of over 16,000 plans, complete with meticulous instructions, Teds Woodworking aims to streamline your woodworking endeavors.

What exactly does Ted’s Woodworking entail?

Navigating the complexities of woodworking, from intricate designs to simpler tasks tailored to specific needs, can prove daunting, particularly when detailed plans are scarce. Many online guides and magazine tutorials, touted as “step-by-step,” often exacerbate the challenge by either lacking specificity or omitting crucial details, assuming a level of expertise that may not be universal.

Drawing from over 25 years of experience, Ted McGrath has curated a comprehensive library of woodworking plans to address these common pitfalls. Ted’s Woodworking serves as a hub for woodworkers seeking solutions to their crafting conundrums, offering a wealth of detailed plans for a myriad of projects.

Who can benefit from Ted’s Woodworking?

Whether you’re a novice eager to embark on your woodworking journey or a seasoned craftsman in search of fresh inspiration, Ted’s Woodworking caters to all skill levels. With user-friendly instructions and a diverse array of projects, the website appeals to woodworking enthusiasts across the spectrum.

Why Should You Choose Ted’s Woodworking? Let's explore the endless possibilities and craftsmanship awaiting you!"

If you’re thinking of buying 16,000 plans separately, it could cost a fortune. But here’s the good news: we’re celebrating our launch with an incredible offer! Join thousands of woodworkers already creating amazing projects. Your turn to join the action. Check it out now with the link below:

What makes Ted’s Woodworking worth your while?

Ted’s Woodworking has you covered! Access a vast collection of plans and expert guidance to unleash your creativity. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to mastery. Get started today!

Listen To What Our Satisfied Customers Are Saying:

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Instead, I’d like you to see what a few of TedsWoodworking buyers have to say…

Plus Many More Testimonials From Facebook Fans:

YES! I’m Ready To Get Started Today!

Give Me Instant Access To 16,000 Woodworking Plans & Bonuses Right Now!


Plus these amazing bonuses:


Time-Limited Launch Price: $67

Do note this is a time-limited launch offer.
We reserve the right to end the promotional price anytime without warning

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